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1200-home subdivision announced for Mangere

October 14, 2016 at 10:21 AM

Market Cove will be a mix of terraced houses and apartments

Work is about to begin on what developers are calling a new Auckland neighbourhood of 1200 homes on the edge of the Manukau Harbour.

The 14 hectare site, a former market garden in Favona, will ultimately house 4000 people.

Called Market Cove, the development will be a mix of architecturally designed terraced houses and apartments.

A special housing area, a fifth of the homes will be considered "social" and therefore under $600,000. Seventy per cent will be under $750,000, with a five bedroom terraced house priced from $1.125m.

READ MORE: John Sax: the ethical property magnate

One of the directors is developer John Sax, the founder of Southpark, one of Auckland's major industrial landowners.

Last year he said he wanted to give people on lower-incomes a chance to own their homes.

"We hope to bring people from a place of despair to being able to live in a pleasant place and to be part of a community which will nourish them, " he said.

Guy Taylor, the project's general manager, said Market Cove had been planned with plenty of green space, common gardens and walking and cycling tracks to promote an active lifestyle.

It was also near Mangere Bridge, the airport and positioned to take advantage of the new motorway link to the CBD that is expected to open in early 2017. 

"Market Cove will be a new neighbourhood for a new Auckland," he said. 

Earlier plans for the site had been reworked and civil work was already underway, with the first 38 two to five-bedroom terraced houses due to be finished by late next year.

Lemauga Lydia Sosene, chairwoman of the Mangere-Otahuhu Local Board, said the development and the new wave of new residents that would come with it, was great for the economic and social growth of Favona-Māngere area.

"I'm also encouraged by the level of design and quality urban planning going into the Market Cove and the array of community facilities that will be on offer including the rejuvenation of the harbour frontage, which I'm sure will make it a fantastic asset for the wider community."

ASC Architects and Graeme Scott are the apartment designers and Young and Richards have designed the terraced houses.

Market Cove facts:
- Location: Walmsley Road, Favona, on the Manukau Harbour close to Mangere Bridge, roughly halfway between Auckland Airport and Auckland City.
- Apartments will have underground parking.
- Social housing: 20 per cent.
- Private courtyards and resident-only vegetable gardens.
- A large, central 5000 square metre park linking to a coastal esplanade.
- Village square, cafes, shops and playgrounds.
- Homes will have a six-homestar rating and solar energy, making them highly "green".